Missing A Few Things
Its an adequate app. But you should really add a few things to it.
~Author/Story/Tag Search
-Im quite sure some people would like to search FanFiction authors and/or stories.
~Writing and Posting Stories
-You should, also, give the user the capability to write and post stories through the app. As well as allowing them to use the app as if they were using it the legitimate website, not just portions of it.
~The Capability to Choose the Ratings in the Filters
-Okay, Im sure I know LOADS of people who STRICTLY read M-Rated FanFiction content (me being one of them). And to attract more people, you might want to tweak the filter choices a little bit.
~Allow Users to Scroll Through Authors
-Now, I know I worded that wrong, but dont you think youre limiting people by NOT allowing them to go through authors bios, stories, favourite authors, etc...? Give the users access to authors! And the ability to PM them, as well!
Thats it. Thats all I have to say.
Your Horrible Neighbour about
Fan Fiction - Free FanFiction Stories on Anime, Manga, Comics, Romance and Movies by Manga Reader